Friday, November 13, 2015

How to Impress a Girl

How to Impress a Girl

Want to wow that certain girl? Though you can't control how she feels and make her fall in love with you, you can put yourself into a better light. Here are two methods for impressing a girl: first for a girl you don't know well, and second for a girl who says she's only interested in friendship


Dress to impress. 

Not only will you look and smell more attractive, taking care of your grooming shows her that you're mature and capable of important daily tasks. Also pay attention to the style of clothes that she wears, and wear the same style of clothing, this will help her to relate with you and find you overall more attractive.


Be Poliete

Say"  Thank You " Your Welcome.
Don't Get Rude .


Think Before You Speak

Just Think Once before you speak. 
Everyone slips up and says Stupid things.  This. Will Effect Bad Impression on girl


Pay her sincere compliment

Give compliments on Her Dressing, Voice, Her Eyes.
Like Your Eyes are beautiful 
Your Dressing Awesome 


Make Her Feel special 

Most important thing is making her feeling special like she is angel.
Like You are respecting Her Very Much

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