Monday, November 16, 2015

RJ Rajasthan New RTO List serial wise (For Vehicals)

RJ Rajasthan New RTO List Serial Wise

आरजे राजस्थान नए आरटीओ सूची

आरजे-01 अजमेर
आरजे-02 अलवर
आरजे-03 बांसवाड़ा
आरजे-04 बाड़मेर
आरजे-05 भरतपुर
आरजे-06 भीलवाड़ा
आरजे-07 बीकानेर
आरजे-08 बूंदी
आरजे-09 चित्तौड़गढ़
आरजे-10 चुरू
आरजे 11 धौलपुर
आरजे  12 डूंगरपुर
आरजे-13 श्री गंगानगर
आरजे-14 दक्षिण जयपुर
आरजे-15 जैसलमेर
आरजे-16 जालौर
आरजे-17 झालावाड़
आरजे-18 झुनझुनू
आरजे -19 जोधपुर
आरजे-20 कोटा
आरजे-21 नागौर
आरजे-22 पाली
आरजे-23 सीकर
आरजे-24 सिरोही
आरजे-25 सवाई माधोपुर
आरजे-26 टोंक
आरजे-27 उदयपुर
आरजे-28 बारां
आरजे-29 दौसा
आरजे-30 राजसमंद
आरजे-31 हनुमानगढ़
आरजे-32 कोटपुतली (जयपुर)
आरजे-33 रामगंज मंडी (कोटा)
आरजे-34 करौली
आरजे-35 प्रतापगढ़
आरजे-36 ब्यावर (अजमेर)
आरजे-37 डीडवाना (नागौर)
आरजे-38 अबू रोड (सिरोही)
आरजे-39 बालोतरा (बाड़मेर)
आरजे-40 भिवाड़ी (अलवर)
आरजे-41 Chomu (जयपुर)
आरजे-42 किशनगढ़ (अजमेर)
आरजे-43 फलौदी (जोधपुर)
आरजे-44 सुजानगढ़ (चूरू)
आरजे 45 उत्तर जयपुर
आरजे-46 भीनमाल (जालोर)
आरजे 47 Dudu (जयपुर)
RJ48 केकड़ी (अजमेर)
आरजे-49 Nohara (Hanumangrah)
आरजे-50 नोखा (बीकानेर)
आरजे-51 शाहपुरा (भीलवाड़ा)
आरजे-52 शाहपुरा (जयपुर)
राजस्थान की न्यू आर टी औ लिस्ट
जारी हुयी है सायद हमारे जीवन
में उपयोगे साबित हो

राज्य की जिलावार तहसीलों की सूची

नाम जिला

नाम तहसील
1. अजमेर

1          अजमेर
2          पीसांगन
3          ब्यावर
4          मसूदा
5          बिजयनगर
6          केकडी
7          सांवेर
8          सरवाड
9          टांटोटी
10        भिनाय
11        किशनगढ़
12        अराई
13        नसीराबाद
14        पुष्कर
15        रूपनगढ़
16        टाटगढ़

2. अलवर

17        अलवर
18        मालाखेड़ा
19        कोटकासिम
20        थानागाजी
21        किशनगढ़वास
22        लक्ष्मणगढ़
23        गोविन्दगढ़
24        तिजारा
25        मुण्डावर
26        राजगढ़
27        बहरोड़
28        कठूमर
29        बानसूर
30        रामगढ़
31        नीमराना
32        रैणी

3. बांसवाड़ा

33        बांसवाड़ा
34        अंबापुरा
35        गढ़ी
36        कुशलगढ़
37        बागीदौरा
38        गागड़तलाई
39        घाटोल
40        गनोड़ा
41        सज्जनगढ़
42        आनन्दपुरी
43        छोटी सरवन

4. बारां

44        बारां
45        मांगरोल
46        अन्ता
47        शाहबाद
48        किशनगंज
49        छबड़ा
50        छीपाबड़ौद
51        अटरू

5. बाड़मेर

52        बाड़मेर
53        रामसर
54        बायतू
55        गिडा
56        गुढ़ामालानी
57        चौहटन
58        सिवाना
59        समदड़ी
60        पचपदरा
61        शिव
62        गडरारोड़
63        सिणधरी
64        सेडवा
65        धोरीमन्ना

6. भरतपुर

66        भरतपुर
67        कुम्हेर
68        नदबई
69        डीग
70        नगर
71        बयाना
72        वैर
73        रूपवास
74        कामां
75        पहाड़ी
76        भुसावर

7. भीलवाड़ा

77        भीलवाड़ा
78        माण्डल
79        बनेड़ा
80        रायपुर
81        सहाड़ा
82        हुरड़ा
83        आसीन्द
84        शाहपुरा
85        जहाजपुर
86        माण्डलगढ़
87        कोटड़ी
88        बिजौलिया
89        करेड़ा
90        बदनोर
91        फूलियाकलां
92        हमीरगढ़

8. बीकानेर

93        बीकानेर
94        नोखा
95        कोलायत
96        डूंगरगढ़
97        लूणकरनसर
98        खाजूवाला
99        पूगल
100      छतरगढ़

9. बून्दी

101      बून्दी
102      केशोरायपाटन
103      इन्द्रगढ़
104      नैनवा
105      हिण्डोली
106      तालेड़ा

10. चित्तौडगढ़

107      चित्तौड़गढ़
108      गंगरार
109      बैगूं
110      रावतभाटा
111      कपासन
112      राश्मी
113      निम्बाहेड़ा
114      भदेसर
115      बडीसादड़ी
116      डूंगला
117      भूपालसागर

11. चुरू

118      चुरू
119      राजगढ़
120      तारानगर
121      सरदारशहर
122      रतनगढ़
123      सुजानगढ़
124      बीदासर

12. दौसा

125      दौसा
126      लवाण
127      लालसोट
128      बसवा
129      महुवा
130      सिकराय
131      नांगल राजावतान
132      रामगढ पचवारा

13. धौलपुर

133      धौलपुर
134      सैपऊ
135      राजाखेड़ा
136      बाड़ी
137      बसेड़ी
138      सरमथुरा

14.  डूंगरपुर

139      डूंगरपुर
140      सिमलवाडा मु0 थंबोला
141      झोथरी
142      सागवाड़ा
143      आसपुर
144      चीखली
145      गलियाकोट
146      बिछीवाड़ा
147      साबला

15. श्रीगंगानगर

148      श्रीगंगानगर
149      सादुलशहर
150      श्रीकरणपुर
151      पदमपुर
152      रायसिंहनगर
153      विजयनगर
154      अनूपगढ़
155      सूरतगढ़
156      घड़साना

16. हनुमानगढ़

157      हनुमानगढ़
158      पीलीबंगा
159      संगरिया
160      टीबी
161      भादरा
162      नोहर
163      रावतसर

18.  जैसलमेर

180      जैसलमेर
181      फतहगढ़
182      पोकरण
183      भनियाना

19. जालौर

184      जालौर
185      आहोर
186      सायला
187      भीनमाल
188      बागोडा
189      सांचौर
190      रानीवाड़ा
191      चितलवाना
192      जसवन्तपुरा

20. झालावाड़

193      झालरापाटन
194      पिड़ावा
195      अकलेरा
196      खानपुर
197      मनोहरथाना
198      गंगधार
199      पचपहाड़
200      असनावर

21. झुन्झनू

201      झुन्झनू
202      चिड़ावा
203      खेतड़ी
204      बुहाना
205      नवलगढ़
206      उदयपुरवाटी
207      मलसीसर
208      सूरजगढ़

22. जोधपुर

209      जोधपुर
210      लूणी
211      शेरगढ
212      बिलाड़ा
213      भोपालगढ
214      फलौदी
215      लोहावट
216      ओसियां
217      तिवरी
218      बाप
219      बालेसर
220      बावड़ी
221      पीपाड़़शहर

23. करौली

222      करौली
223      मांसलपर
224      मण्डरायल
225      सपोटरा
226      हिण्डौन
227      टोडाभीम
228      नादौती

24. कोटा

229      लाड़पुरा (कोटा)
230      दीगोद
231      पीपल्दा
232      रामगंजमण्डी
233      सांगोद
234      कनवास

25. नागौर

235      नागौर
236      मुण्डवा
237      खींवसर
238      जायल
239      मेड़ता
240      डेगाना
241      परबतसर
242      मकराना
243      नावां
244      डीडवाना
245      लाडनूं
246      रियाबाडी
247      कुचामनसिटी

26. पाली

248      पाली
249      रोहट
250      बाली
251      सुमेरपुर
252      देसूरी
253      सोजत
254      मारवाड़ जंक्शन
255      जैतारण
256      रायपुर
257      रानी

27. प्रतापगढ़

258      प्रतापगढ़
259      अरनोद
260      पीपलखूंट
261      छोटीसादड़ी
262      धरियावद

28. राजसमंद

263      राजसमंद
264      कुम्भलगढ़
265      गढबोर
266      आमेट
267      नाथद्वारा
268      खमनोर
269      रेलमगरा
270      भीम
271      देवगढ़

29. सवाईमाधोपुर

272      सवाईमाधोपुर
273      खण्डार
274      चौथ का बरवाड़ा
275      बौली
276      मलारना डूंगर
277      गंगापुरसिटी
278      बामनवास
279      वजीरपुर

30. सीकर

280      सीकर
281      दातारामगढ़
282      नीम का थाना
283      श्रीमाधोपुर
284      खण्डेला
285      फतेहपुर
286      लक्ष्मणगढ़
287      धौद
288      रामगढ़ शैखावाटी

31. सिरोही

289      सिरोही
290      शिवगंज
291      रेवदर
292      आबूरोड़़
293      पिण्डवाड़ा

32. टौंक

294      टौंक
295      निवाई
296      पीपलूं
297      उनियारा
298      देवली
299      दूनी
300      टोडारायसिंह
301      मालपुरा

33. उदयपुर

302      गिर्वा
303      गोगुन्दा
304      वल्लभनगर
305      मावली
306      सराड़ा
307      सेमारी
308      खेरवाड़ा
309      ऋषभदेव
310      सलूम्बर
311      लसाड़ियl
312      झाड़ोल
313      कोटड़ा
314      बड़गांव

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Marwadi Words With Their Meaning

Marwari Words with their meaning

Marwari Dictionary
Use Cltr + F and search for

Aachho आछो - good
Aabh आभ - sky
Aago आगो - away, far
Aagal आगळ - wooden rod to fasten the leaves of a door
Aaglo आगलो - foremost
Aagunch अगूंछ - advance
Aajyo आज्यो (आवजो) - request to come
Aakdo आकड़ो - medicinal shrub plant with big leaves and bad odour botanical name Callotropis procera
Aakhar आखर - word
Aambli आंबली - tamarind
Aambo आंबो - mango
Aa.ngi आंगी - traditional blouse worn by ladies
Aangli आंगळी - finger
Aa'ni  आं'धी - windstorm, blind woman
Aank आंक - numbers
Aakro आकरो - heavy
Aankharli आंखड़ली - a song sung when the husband of daughter comes first time to his in-laws, eye
Aankharliyan आंखड़ल्यां -  eyes
Aa'ndho आं'धो - blind man
Aantro आंतरो - distance, interval
Aanwati आंवती - future
Aapanon आपणों - ours
Aavaili आवैली - will come (female)
Aavaili आवैलो - will come (male)
Aavjo आवजो - request to come
Aavno आवणौ - to come
Aba'r अबा'र - very recently, now
Adao अडावो - land kept for grazing of animals
Adane अडाणै - kept on mortgage
Aik अेक - one
Ai अै - these
Algo अळगो - away, far
Anan sanan अनाण सनाण - distinguishing feature
Anjanyau अणजाण - un-known
Anhui अणहुई - not happened
Ar अर - and
Ardano अरड़ाणो - call of cattle
Athai अठै - here
Athwado अठवाड़ो - food material left in dish


Baachhi बाछी - Young cow
Baagar बागर - bundles of bajra (Poola) stacked properly for future use
Baal बाळ - to burn, air, hair
Baan बान - Ganesha pujan ceremony at the beginning of a marriage
Baanch बांच - to read
Baan'ka बां'का - theirs
Baasedo बासेङो - festival in which people worship "Sheetla Mata," the goddess of small-pox on Sheetla Ashtama day; People don't cook any food and would eat the food made of earlier day. They make seven dishes, the day before and then do pooja and they eat those the whole day. Small pox is supposed to be caused by heat, that is the myth behind this festival.
Baante बांटै - lease, batai of a land
Baanth-bojha बांठ-बोज़ा - same as 'sood'
Baarai बारै - outside
Baaro kado बारो काडो - to take one turn of taking water from a well
Babo बाबो - Tau, father's elder brother
Bachyoda बच्योड़ा - left out, balance
Badali बादळी - cloud
Badera बडेरा - ancestors
Badhawo बधावो - Song sung when daughter is sent to sasural (in-laws)
Badhnon बधणों - to grow
Badka बडका - ancestors
Badkulya बड़कुल्या - round dish type of items made from cow dung with hole at centre for garland making
Bai बै - they
Baidhaki बैढकी - Pregnant young cow
Bain बैन - Sister
Bajraq बज़राक़ - a fatal weapon, the thunderbolt of Indra
Bajro बाजरो - a desert cerial crop which is most common food grain
Baju Bandh बाजूबंध - armlet
Balaji बालाजी - Lord Hanuman
Balam बालम - husband, Lover
Balyee बाळी - silly woman (called with love)
Balyo बाळ्यो - silly man (called with love)
Balno बाळ्णों - to burn
Bangari बंगड़ी - golden bangles
Baman बामण - brahman
Banithani बणीठणी - ladies properly dressed with appropriate makeup and ornaments
Banko बांको - bent
Bans बांस - foul smell, bamboo
Baonli बंवळी - plant with botanical name Acacia jacquemontii used as fodder and its roots used as dying material for leather
Barai kado बारै काडो - to take out
Bari बारी - Window
Barno बारणो - Gate
Bapji बापजी - A respectful words like His highness, Sir.
Bapkano बापकाणों - silly man (with a bad taste)
Bardi बरड़ी - a woolen blanket made of black and white wool in check pattern
Bark बरक - fatigue and stress in muscles due to excessive work
Baru बरू - weed resembling bajra crop which is a good fodder for cows
Baste बास्ते - fire
Batewoo बटेऊ - guest
Bathai बठै - there
Batko बाटको - an utensil of bronze metal in the shape of a middle plate with round corners, it is also the term for money offered as gift
Baulai बौळाई - sector in a residential campus used to dry up the gobar of cattle and prepare thepadi etc
Bavji बावजी - God,
Bawli बावळी - mad (woman)
Bawlo बावळो - mad (man)
Bawalyo  बावळ्यो - Babool
Bayee बाई - sister
Beed बीड़ - grazing land
Beejno बीजणो - sowing seeds
Beejnon बीजणों - a hand fan


Chaak चाक - ceremony to worship the wheel of kumhar at the time of marriage of a boy or girl
Chaav चाव - like
Chanani चानणी - light of moon, tent put in functions, coloured overhead tent
Charko चरको - taste mix of salt and chilly
Charo चारो - fodder
Chau चऊ - lower iron part of plaugh
Chaubaro चौबारो - first floor room, open from all sides
Chaudai-dhadai चोड़ै-धाड़ै - in day light
Chaudhar चौधर - justice
Chaudhary चौधरी - village head, one who does justice
Chaumaso चौमासो - rainy season
Cheedo चीडो - difficult to bite
Cheel चील - kite
Cheela चीला - railway track, rajasthani dosa
Cheelgadi चीलगाडी - aeroplane
Chhak छाक - brunch of a farmer
Chhalo(Chhaj) छालो - an untensil made of primarly sticks used to sort wout grain
Chhana छाणा - dried cow dung
Chhanon छानों hidden
Chhanta छांटा - rain-drops
Chhav छाव - animal in heat
Chhinki छींकी - a net made of rope put on mouth of an animal to prevent grazing
Chhori छोरी - girl
Chhoro छोरो - boy
Chhuchhak छुछक - a ceremony performed by maternal side after a month of his birth
Chintho चिंथो - to crush
Chirkali चिड़कली - bird, house sparrow
Chirmarat चिरमराट - pinching
Chokha चोखा - Rice, good looking
Chokhi चोखी - good looking
Chokho चोखो - good
Choliyo चोळियो - shirt
Choon चून - flaur
Choondi चूंदड़ी - traditional Chunni made of bandhej, brother would bring this as a gift for sister in bhat (Mayro) at marriage of her child
Choongyo चूनग्यो - lost the way
Chotiyo चोटियो - a woolen wear used by children to cover the body
Choutho चौठौ - village common place, chaupal
Chunadi चूनड़ी - rajasthani print audhana
Chunyodi चुण्योड़ी - elected
Chyarankani च्यारांकानी - in all sides


Daam दाम - value
Daangara डांगरा - cattle
Daankhala डांखळा - straw
Daat दात - utensils, clothes, ornaments etc offered to bridegroom and his relatives by bride side in marriage
Daayjo दायजो - dowry
Dadi दादी - grandmother
Dado दादो - grandfather
Dairi डैरी - a field with flat land in arid areas
Dantali दंताळी - impliment to level ground
Dalidar दळिदर - poor
Dana दाणा - grains
Dawdi डावड़ी - term used to address a female with affection
Dedo-dedo डेडो-डेडो - not straight, oblique, at a distance
Deel डील - body
Deesawar दीसावर - foreign
Deeval दीवळ - white ants
Devar देवर - younger brother of husband
Derani देराणी - wife of husband's younger brother
Dhabalo धाबळो - traditional petticoat made of wool, decorated with kasheeda and lawan
Dhale ढळे - falling down
Dhamal धमाळ - falgun folk songs
Dhani ढाणी - small hamlet of one or a few houses
Dhapgyo धापग्यो - satisfied
Dharo ढारो - room used for storage of fodder for animals
Dharo धड़ो - barter
Dharo धाड़ो - loot
Dharo धोरो - a long radiating sand dune found in desert which are formed due to piling up of shifting sand
Dhaulo धोळो - white
Dhavlo धवळो - white
Dhedh ढेढ - alternate name of harijan
Dhinganon धिंगाणों - forcibly
Dhiro ढीरो - twigs of jhadberi cut and used for fodder or fencing
Dholi ढोली - drum beater
Dholo ढोलो - traditional hemi-spherical ceiling
Dhoongari ढूंगरी - heap of gwar pods
Dhuaro धुआरो - a brass metal pitcher to milk cow
Dhuro धुड़ो - send
Dhunga ढुंगा - rectal hips
Dhyangi ध्यानगी - daily wages
Dhyankyo ध्यानक्यो - farm labour
Dinchhipe दिनछिपे - sunset
Dindhhle दिनढळे - sunset
Dinuge दिनूगे - sunrise
Doka डोका - straw of bajra
Dol डोल - a big container made of tin
Doliyo डोलियो - a small containerl
Do'ro दो'रो - difficulty
Dungari डूंगरी - hillock
Dyorani द्योराणी - wife of husband's younger brothe

Friday, November 13, 2015

How to Impress a Girl

How to Impress a Girl

Want to wow that certain girl? Though you can't control how she feels and make her fall in love with you, you can put yourself into a better light. Here are two methods for impressing a girl: first for a girl you don't know well, and second for a girl who says she's only interested in friendship


Dress to impress. 

Not only will you look and smell more attractive, taking care of your grooming shows her that you're mature and capable of important daily tasks. Also pay attention to the style of clothes that she wears, and wear the same style of clothing, this will help her to relate with you and find you overall more attractive.


Be Poliete

Say"  Thank You " Your Welcome.
Don't Get Rude .


Think Before You Speak

Just Think Once before you speak. 
Everyone slips up and says Stupid things.  This. Will Effect Bad Impression on girl


Pay her sincere compliment

Give compliments on Her Dressing, Voice, Her Eyes.
Like Your Eyes are beautiful 
Your Dressing Awesome 


Make Her Feel special 

Most important thing is making her feeling special like she is angel.
Like You are respecting Her Very Much

Special SMS For Bhaiya Dooj (Bhai Beej)

'जान' कहने वाली गर्लफ्रेंड न हो तो कोई बात नहीं 
'ओए हीरो' कहने वाली एक बहन जरुर होनी चाहिए।
हैप्पी भाई-दूज😊🍫😊🍫🍫🍫


लाड़िले गोपाल आज हमारे घर चलो भोजन कीजे।
बहुत भाँत पकवान मिठाई खटरस व्यंजन लीजे।।
यशोमति थार साजकें बैठी मोहन तिलक करावे हो।
बैठे अंक भोजन करो लालन भाईदूज मनावे हो।।

यमद्वितीया भाईदूज की बधाई 🙏


I wish u all much peace..happiness prosperity, good health may u sparkel😉 shine❤ and light 😐 into a bright new year...god Bless u All..sending to u All.😘😘......
""🎉HAPPY Bhaiya Dooj *


"शुभम करोतु कल्याणम्, आरोग्यम् सुख संप्रदाम।
दुष्ट बुद्धि विनाशाय,दिप ज्योति नमोस्तुते।"
भॆया दूज की शुभकामनाये 

Dear Brother on this Bhaidooj I wish to say that you are the best brother and you mean to me the whole world. Happy Bhaidooj.

I feel so blessed and treasured to have a brother like you in my life. You like an Angel are always there when I need you. Thanks Brother and have a happy Bhaidooj.

Dear Brother on this Bhaidooj I wish to say that you are the best brother and you mean to me the whole world. Happy Bhaidooj.

Dear Brother while putting tikka I pray to God for your peace happiness and prosperity. A warm and loving person like you deserves the best of life. Happy Bhaidooj.

You never say no you never say thats impossible and you never say you can not. That’s my bro a superman who make things possible and who make paths smoother. I love you Bro.

The pious occasion of Bhaidooj reminds me of the days when we were kids. We fought and made up easily. Those lovely days can not come back but will always stay in my heart. Missing you darling brother on this Bhaidooj.

You helped me while I was in trouble you made me feel safe when I was scared and other things you did to make me happy. Thanks is insufficient for all this. Happy Bhaidooj to you Brother.
“I sought my soul but my soul; I could not see.
I sought God but my God eluded me.
I sought my brother I could found all three.
Happy Bhaidooj.”

I am really thankful to God to have the precious gift of a sister like you. Happy Bhaidooj.

Your charming smile make my days. With your caring ways you become my second mother. Darling Sister what may come I will always stand by you.

I love to tease you by calling different names. I love to tease you. Oh! how much I’ll miss those petty fights we have after you are gone to your sasural. I will always love you Sis.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo Total13th Day Worldwide Collection

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo Worldwide Collection
Making Records 

Salman Khan and Sooraj Barjatya's much-awaited Diwali release, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, has not only broken the first day record of Happy New Year, which was last year's Diwali release, but also emerged as the highest single day-grosser of all time.

On day one, the film's Hindi version managed to collect Rs 39-40 crore nett. The film's Telugu and Tamil versions have not collected much, minting aroung Rs 1-1.50 crore nett, reports JayeshKhatriOfficial

Day 1 Thu 40.35 cr, 

Day 2  Fri 31.05 cr, 

Day 3  Sat 30.07 cr, 

Day 4. Sun 28.30 cr. 

India gross: ₹ 318 cr 

Overseas:  [₹ 86 cr]

Worldwide gross: ₹ 404 cr. AWESOME( Till 13th Day)